Laboratory Location: B + 706.
Laboratory capacity: 15 students.
The laboratory contains complete skeletal system modules s as well as sporadic pieces of all human body bones, muscles and internal organs, as well as the internal organs of the human modules as sporadic particles of each organ With magnifying particles of certain organs.
The competencies and skills covered in the lab:
Students drop what they learned in theoretical lectures on the Stereographs and explain the pathological conditions and clinical applications associated with a particular organ anatomically during the laboratory.
Targeted students in the lab:
Students of human medicine, nursing and occupational therapy.
Courses covered in the lab:
This laboratory is used to give the course of the anatomy laboratory to both human medicine, nursing and occupational therapy students.
Major equipment and facilities in the lab:
The laboratory contains complete skeletal system modules as well as sporadic pieces of all human body bones.
In addition modules of human bodies showing muscles and internal organs. As the internal organs of the human structure exist as sporadic particles of each organ With magnifying particles of certain organs such as eye, inner composition of ear, peripheral nerve network and axis.
Occupational health and safety instructions of the lab:
- Labecot must be worn
- No admission to the laboratory without supervisor
- It is prohibited to bring food and drink in the lab, absolutely.
- Do not tamper with devices without a supervisor
- Return tools and materials to their designated place after use
Lab Team:
Moatasem Tamizi
Arein Madia
Moatasem Tamizi